There’s a commercial for a mortgage company that plays regularly on a podcast that I like to follow. In this commercial you hear the question, “Why can’t people get a decision on their mortgage in minutes rather than having to wait weeks?” Kudos to the copywriter of the ad for keying on our penchant to have things instantly instead of having to wait. In today’s day and age, we take photos with our phones and see them instantly (and most likely never view them again until we’re looking to free up storage space on our phones). Conversely, it wasn’t THAT long ago that there was this thing called “film” that went inside a camera (that had no way of making phone calls), and you had to take the film to a place that developed it and printed the photos on PAPER – and we would wait a few DAYS to get those prints back to see that we had our thumb in front of the lens in five of the shots and seven other photos were completely blurry and unrecognizable (and we paid ...